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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

3D Crystal Sculptures

  Версия: 2.0.0
Скачать Цена:$24


Crystal Sculptures use vertex shaders, glow, transparency, and lightning effects to magnify the hi-quality sculptures model. 5 Models are built-in and you can freely move them, change their textures, their effects, and many more parameters. Features : - 6 different models rendering modes (transparent, crystal, reflections...). - 34 textures for the the sea and the model itself. - photo-realistic animated sea. - fog color and distance options. - projection stretch and focal distortion. - MP3 support, you can play any MP3 while the screen saver runs. - Vertex shaders lightning with Ambient (RGB) and Specular (RGB) controlled in the editor. - Texture stretching on the model and on the sea to even mode creative visual effects. - 5 hi-quality models (up to 120 000 polygons!), dama, horse, liberty, venus and virgin. - Sunlight background simulator, that can do gradients as well as ray lights and sun simulations. - All the parameters can be tuned from the editor. - Load/Save presets, so you can exchange your themes. - PlayList management, you can create a list of theme and run them linearly or randomly. - You can remove the sea or the background and keep only the sculptures, if you want.



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К. Прутков


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