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4th of July Dreams Screensaver

  Версия: 2.0
Автор:Delfyn Software
Скачать Цена:$8.95


Get in the mood of the 4th of July celebrations with a festive fireworks display against the backdrop of our proud symbols of national heritage. 4th of July Dreams Screensaver will launch your Independence Day celebration. Options for this screensaver include, Choose from 7 different scenes or select Random. Choose which scenes to rotate when running in random mode. Explosion Size, affects the size of the fireworks. Choosing Mixed displays all sizes. Trails affects the length of the trailing fireworks. Choose Type to display only trailing fireworks or sparkling fireworks. Mixed displays all types. Speed affects how quickly the firworks explode. Sounds can be turned on or off. The following scenes are included, Bald Eagle, Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, Outdoors, Night, Random.



Ад - это другие.
Ж. Сартр


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номера, был прав...


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