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Delphi components  

7art Zodiac ScreenSaver

  Версия: 1.0
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7art Zodiac screensaver brings you 12 amazing signs of the zodiac pictured in original way. The Zodiac drawings (true color, 800x600 resolution) take turns with various transitional effects that make your desktop astrological look. The 7art Zodiac screensaver will broadcast the magic of Astrology from the Central Processing Unit of your PC. 7art Zodiac ScreenSaver was developed by 7art-screensavers company. We specialize in screensavers developing. 7art-screensavers shine out the most beautiful images to extend the boundaries of your virtual world and enrich your visual experience with much more pleasurable things in comparison with endless letters and figures you have to read and write everyday at your PC screen. Life is the great thing and we should not forget about that! 7art-screensavers will remind you about some wonders of the world we are living in everytime they start. We do hope 7art-screensavers will help you to be somewhat more happy. If it is true, we will be more happy too.



Остроумие далеко не то, что ум. Ум отличается изобретательностью, остроумие же только находчивостью.
К. Вебер


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Продаётся : бомба непредсказуемого действия с замедленным управлением.

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