Версия: |
1.0 |
Автор: | Kaztrix Software |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $29.95 |
AI Agent application allows you to create as many agents as you wish. Each of them will have their own characters and backend database, with a smart query engine using Artificial Intelligence search methods.
You can increase their knowledge over time by feeding them information and data. The power to continually educate your agent is unlimited, and each brain is at your fingertips at all times. You can access and find your much needed information using the smart engine, or simply access their brains in open format, using brain edit utility.
Your Agent remains available on your desktop and always visible. There is only a single menu system, which can be accessed by a simple right-mouse-click. This simple interface provides a unique functionality that everyone, spanning from children to savvy businessmen, will benefit from.
Нас редко привязывает к женщине то, чем она нас привлекала. Д. Коллинз
-- Слушай, Вилли, впусти меня с моей супругой на пару ча- сов в свою квартиру. -- Не понял... Зачем? -- Я не хочу, чтобы соседи узнали о нашей небольшой раз- молвке с женой. Ты же знаешь ее голосочек.
Жалобы на интенсивную головную боль в шейном отделе позвоночника.