
Версия: |
3.0 |
Автор: | Christian C. Rasmussen |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $99.99 |
ATAF -Shop is 100% web-based shop system that can :
Your advantage is :
Your can handle customers online shopping in a secure environment
A 100% online inventory with options editing/adding items and for uploading picture to complement the description of the items
You can define Prices, payments terms and discount groups
Printing/downloading of your customers or your "discount groups" price lists
Online sales order (SO) handling with a easy step by step status system
Easy Purchase order (PO) handling with collective PO's and options for sending you PO's direct your suppliers
Supports up to four languages
Interface to all major online payment services
All functions in ATAF is database driven, once installed you have full control on ALL functions in the application
A special quotation cart function so you create quotations online and save for later reference
Advanced supplier, customer and employee database
User defined secure access to the web shop in 3 levels as customer/sales administrator and system administrator
Your customers advantage is :
They can browse/search your stock in easy and picture supported format
They can online see the correct price according to the discount group you have assigned them to
The can order online 24-7
The can follow the status of their purchase orders
They can access their own purchase order history
A special quotation cart function so they can create quotations online and save/print with own logo
With ATAF shop you can get your shop data anywhere any time. No need for expensive software installation, special database servers etc. all is handled by one single web server.
Не в совокупности ищи единства, но более - в единообразии разделения. К. Прутков
Один мужик встретил на ярмарке своего кума, с которым давно не виделся, и пригласил его к себе в гости. Отпраздновали встречу, всего было на столе вдоволь. Так понравилось гостить, что кум о своем доме и не вспоминает. Как- то вечером хозяин спрашивает: -- А как же родственники, кум? Видать, скучают без вас жена и дети? -- Ваша правда, кум, ваша правда... Завтра же отправлю те- леграмму... пусть и они сюда приезжают.
Вот где собака поpылась!