Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 3.6
Автор:Joseph Flynn
Скачать Цена:$12


AccuSplit is a multi-threaded Win32 application designed to rapidly and reliably split large files and computer videos into smaller segments to allow for easy archival to external media like DVD, CD-R, Zip or floppy disks. These file segments can then be recombined at a later time into an exact copy of the original file. The application is capable of segmenting and then correctly reconstructing ANY file, even large Windows Backup files that exceed 20GB. To insure that the file reconstructed from the file segments exactly matches the original source file the application incorporates an advanced cryptographic algorithm that computes an MD5 Message Digest for both the original and reconstructed files. An MD5 Message Digest match between these files indicates with absolute certainty that no data was lost during the file split and reconstruction process. AccuSplit also includes a special Video Smart Split mode that can split AVI (including DIVX / XVID / INDEO / DV-AVI) and MPEG-1 format files (including Video-CD) into "independently playable" segments without a lengthy video re-rendering process. Now you can split your large video files into CD-sized (or any other size) segments and play them back directly from the CD - no file reconstruction is required. The latest version includes a Video Preview option that allows the user to manually adjust the location of the file split points - avoiding splits in the middle of an important scene. AccuSplit has been designed to run as a stand-alone executable. There is nothing to install. Simply extract the application and its help files from the downloaded Zip file and double-click on the AccuSplit.EXE file to begin program execution. The application runs under Windows [95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Server2003] and doesn't include any of the annoying AdWare or NagWare plug-ins that are common to many of today's shareware applications. AccuSplit also includes a full user help file.



О том, что сделал - не кричи, Что будешь делать - умолчи; Поведай - только без прикрас - О том, что делаешь сейчас.
А. Гафуров


Мудрец говорил:
-- Есть пять типов людей, которые только утомляют других.
Первый -- глупец, пытающийся учить кого угодно. Второй -- тот,
кто хочет достичь невозможного. Третий -- правитель, никогда не
советующийся с министром. Четвертый -- человек, пробующий
сделать то, чего никогда не сможет. И пятый -- хитрец, который
надеется обмануть всех.


Перед тем, как найти свою Елену Прекрасную, тебе, Иванушка, придется перецеловать еще много лягушек.

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