Ace Spam Scram
Версия: |
1.00 |
Автор: | Suffix Software |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
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Цена: | $23 |
Delete spam. Blocking the worst spam countries alone makes Ace Spam Scram delete more than 96% of all spam and by adding some other options you will almost be spam free. No spam from a blocked country will get in to your inbox. Any e-mail with the suffix of a blocked country will be deleted. Any e-mail address from a blocked country will be deleted. Ace Spam Scram is adding all links from spam to the Delete List, so when a spammer have been spaming you all links have been added and any e-mail containing the link will be deleted. This way the spammers are deleting theire own spam. Use the Windows Address Book (WAB). You will also be able to add any word or e-mail address to the Friends and NOT Friends lists. Ace Spam Scram uses the words in a very special way and that is that the word or part of the word is used, e.g. if you add the word Pres then express, president, prescription and any other words containing the word pres is going to be detected. Detects any word or part of word from the list. There are 32 options to choose from in the Setup and the options can be setup by the you to be run in any order you choose and you can at anytime add or remove or even move one of the options down or up on the list in the Setup. Use Compress e-mail in Setup to remove HTML tags and more. Detect the number of TO: in the e-mail. Detect the number of CC: in the e-mail. Detect if TO and FROM is the same. I must be first TO:. For thoses users how want to make a search for the spammer can also do so by using the WhoIs. There is a Automatic options that will try to locate the right WhoIs. You can also make a Trace Route or Ping and it can all be done from Ace Spam Scram. Very easy to use and there is even an option for whois.abuse.net
Из борьбы личных интересов вырабатывается не лучший из возможных, а возможнейший из лучших порядков. В.О. Ключевский
Молоденькая девушка, собиравшая деньги на нужды цер- кви, обратилась к мистеру Брауну с просьбой пожертвовать сколь- ко он сможет. -- А для кого предназначены эти деньги? -- поинтересовал- ся мистер Браун, доставая из кошелька монету. -- Для Бога,-- ответила девушка. -- А сколько вам лет? -- Девятнадцать. -- А мне уже восемьдесят семь, и, думаю, я увижу Бога го- раздо раньше, чем вы,-- сказал мистер Браун, снова пряча монету в кошелек.-- Пожалуй, я передам ему деньги сам.
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