Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Acrasoft AutoPilot

  Версия: 2.30
Скачать Цена:$39.95


AutoPilot is a program that helps you automate tasks. With AutoPilot you can run many tasks based on all kinds of triggers. You can run a task from a hotkey. You can run a task from a popup menu. You can run tasks on time-scheduled intervals or many other trigger types. AutoPilot is more than just an event scheduler. It is very useful even if you don't have any scheduled events. You can put all of your repetitive tasks into AutoPilot and launch them from a hotkey combination or from a popup menu. AutoPilot supports multiple simultaneous schedulers. You can use each file as a scheduler or just use it for the hotkeys or popup menus. For example, you could put all your Internet type tasks into one AutoPilot file and have the popup menu hotkey set to Ctrl-Alt-I. Then you could put all your work-related tasks into another file that has its popup menu hotkey set to Ctrl-Alt-W. Then just load both files into AutoPilot and whenever you want to run an Internet task hit Ctrl-Alt-I. When you want to run a work related task you can bring up the other menu by hitting Ctrl-Alt-W. AutoPilot is part of the Acrasoft suite of automation products, and supports data transfer between our applications via drag-and-drop, and cut-and-paste. Any tasks you build in LogWatcher or MessagePad are compatible with AutoPilot's tasks.



Как только вы поняли характер самого писателя, понимание его творений не составит для вас никакого труда.
Г. Лонгфелло


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-- Недалеко от самого центра Бермудского треугольника на
наш корабль обрушилась огромная волна высотой с десятиэтаж-
ный дом! Ни одна душа не спаслась!
-- Как, а вы?
-- Я в это время был уже на пенсии.


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