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В начало » Development Tools » ActiveX

SplitBar XT

Add hotizontal and vertical split bars and auto resize functions to your forms. Individually adjust the size and position of each control. Customizable with advanced properties and events. Build professional multi panes user interface in no time.

SenCopy ActiveX

Gives the protection to your programs and code elements, that is needed to use them as a demo version before licensing. The demo version displays an adaptable info message. By the execution of a registry key, the registered version then is a full one

Statistics ActiveX

Provides different basic statistical measures, for example the variance and covariance. In addition it states the values of the Standard Normal Distribution and of the T-Distribution.

Subclassing ActiveX

Enables the subclassing of window forms, that means the interception and execution of their messages. The system administered messages can be supplemented or substituted.

RSP OGG Vorbis Player OCX

ActiveX OCX to play OGG Vorbis media files , the decoding engine is loaded dinamically in the process , the processor time required to decode the OGG Vorbis is less than  MP3 files , the decoder quality is very good or better than MP3 files

RSP MP3 Player OCX

ActiveX OCX to play MP3 , MP2 , MP1 , MPEG-2.0 and MPEG-2.5 media files

RSP GZip Compressor OCX

ActiveX OCX to compress files in the standard gzip format , the code is optimized for new processors , the compression code execute at realtime , the compression engine is loaded dynamically and with the ability to pause , resume and cance


PopupNotify is an ActiveX control provides MSN style popup alerts. Popup alerts fade in and slide up above the taskbar and disappear after a few seconds. Supports transparency, balloon tips, pictures, gradients, alignments and more! Unicode enabled.

PSS Control Pack 1

This handy pack of activex controls for th Visual Basic Developer, it contains PSS Update Check, PSS System Tray Icon and PSS Safe Subclass. These controls are essential for almost any VB project you are working on.

PSS System Tray Icon Control

PSS System Tray Icon Control is a Royalty Free control that allows you to quickly add your application to the System Tray. You can change the icon and tooltip while displayed and a simple set of events event let you know when the icon is clicked

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-- Милый, чем больше я читаю сказок, тем больше убежда-
юсь, что заяц очень глупое животное. Не так ли?
-- Совершенно верно, зайчик ты мой!


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