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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 2.0
Скачать Цена:$49.95


Get web sites listed on search engines and monitor their rank closely with AddAce. This program streamlines promotion by using semi-automatic submissions. These submissions will ensure that submitting your web site to search engines does not take longer than necessary, and they will still retain flexibility of user-involved promotion. AddAce also allows you to run fully automated submissions. Comes with an option for a "smart" mode that transfers automatic submissions into semi-automatic submissions if certain criteria are not met. You can perform multiple rank checks simultaneously and monitor them easily. Each search engine's results appear along with your web site's position in a clear, uncluttered display. The included logging features and scheduler ensure that your are always aware of tasks that have and that must be completed. Both successful and failed submissions are kept track of and results are easily accessible. Also features a "to do" list with reminders to help you accomplish your promotion tasks on time. AddAce includes a search engine editor that allows for adding and editing your own search engines list. You can use the bundled application to add important notes to an existing search engine or to insert a customized search engine listing complete with submission and rank check support.



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