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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 4.2.06
Скачать Цена:$24.95


AdsCleaner a perfect ad stopper and pop up blocker. Block ads and clear all tracks of your online activities. In addition to the possibility of blocking ads by URL-masks included into black list AdsCleaner has obtained the ability to block banners, which have specific dimensions. A user can set a range for dimensions that would allow blocking the banners whose dimensions differ a bit from standards. When blocking the loading of banners in compliance with user settings, AdsCleaner can either cut the banner and "shrink" the page area, which has been occupied by the ad, or change the banner with predefined small text block. Both options are useful depending on the situation. This program makes it easy to avoid visiting the same web pages twice. Hovering your mouse over a visited link makes the application display a pop up hint containing your comments for the page, its small snapshot, last view date and other useful information. Also you can always tell what pages of a given site you already visited and view all the related comments in a single window. Bookmark manager will help you to organize your bookmarks, and powerful searching tools will simplify access to them. Loading multiple links from the selected web page area or all links within the current web page with a single mouse-click, translating web pages online into various languages and voicing web page. You can easily manage the currently opened Internet Explorer windows, switch between them in a breeze and close all the windows with just one mouse-click. The Quick Groups Manager allows you to create lists of most frequently used bookmarks and group them by topic. By creating aliases for your favorite web page addresses you can speed up access to them without having to manually type the lengthy addresses yourself. AdsCleaner is a multifunction tool that allows you to block ads due to powerful ad stopper and pop up blocker features and make Web surfing a great deal easier!



Сколько всего нужно, чтобы сделать счастливым только одного человека!
Ш. Монтескьё


Начальник учреждения, обращаясь к своему счетоводу,
-- Удивляюсь, уж не перепутал ли ты что-нибудь в своих
расчетах, что так рано явился на работу?
-- Нет, господин начальник. Вчера я очень поздно вернулся
домой, перед самым восходом солнца. Когда я вошел в спальню,
жена сказала: "Что это ты так рано встал?" Я же, чтобы отвлечь ее
от других щекотливых вопросов, ответил: "Дорогая, у меня в уч-
реждении сегодня много работы!" И поневоле поплелся сюда.


Автомобилисты говорят: - Пешеходы бывают двух видов - шустрые и мертвые

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