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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Advanced Desktop Shield

  Версия: 1.52
Скачать Цена:$34


Advanced Desktop Shield - security utility is a must for public access PCs located in school or university labs, Internet cafes, libraries and other public places where you need to stop users from changing desktop wallpaper and screen saver, deleting, creating and renaming desktop icons, changing display settings and so on. With Advanced Desktop Shield you can backup, restore and manage your desktop layout and desktop layouts of your users. Desktop layouts are saved to files, which include all files and folders located on the desktop, placement of desktop icons, desired wallpaper and screen saver. If you choose to lock your desktop layout or desktop layouts of your users, every time you or your users reboot your PC, the program will return everything on the desktop back to the original state: wallpaper, screen saver; deleted icons will be recreated and the new icons will be deleted. Desktop management includes creating desktop layouts for different purposes such as gaming, working, surfing the Internet, and providing different users with their own desktops. Using the program is very simple: just place desktop icons on the desktop to required positions, select wallpaper and screen saver using the Display item of Control Panel, double click program's tray icon and click the Save button to create a new desktop layout file. If desktop icons ever get moved or deleted by user or after entering the safe mode or changing the screen resolution, just open the program and click the Load button to return the desktop to any previously saved state. If you are in the Lock Desktop mode, simply reboot PC to restore desktop automatically.



Чтобы вести войну, нужны три вещи: деньги, деньги и еще раз деньги.
Людовик XII


В городе закрылись все магазины и ресторан, а Петерсон
все бродит по улицам в поисках спиртного. Наконец какой-то про-
хожий достал из-под полы бутылку.
-- Полсотни крон.
-- Черт с тобой, давай.
-- Если захочешь еще, вот тебе телефон, позвони.
Дома Петерсон откупорил бутылку и обнаружил в ней чи-
стую воду. В ярости он набрал номер телефона.
Заспанный женский голос ответил:
-- Дежурный диспетчер городского водопровода слушает.


- Ты веришь, что любовь может быть вечной?-- Конечно. Только партнеры меняются.

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