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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Advanced Forums

  Версия: 2.00
Автор:Advanced Portal
Скачать Цена:$24.99


It is a complete forums application and is capable of running any kind of web based forums. It allows users to communicate and share information, get support, disucss issues online and all other such tasks. The user section is fully customizable using XSLs. Application also includes a searchable FAQ section and will soon have a complete Knowledge base section as well. Following are the features of the forums: Create new threads. Post messages under existing threads. Reply to messages in threads. Create and manage new topics. Allow everyone or only registered users to post. Allow everyone or only registered users to view forums. Subscribe to threads so that Emails are generated for all new messages. Personalization options including number of threads on a page, font settings and topics. Extensive verity search on all posted messages and threads. Edit posted messages. Delete messages. FAQ add category. FAQ add new message. FAQ edit message. Search FAQ.



У того, кто ничего не делает, всегда много помощников.
Л. Толстой


-- Как лучше научить девушку плавать, Тото?
-- Вы осторожно обнимаете ее левой рукой за талию, затем
берете ее левую руку и крепко держите, а потом...
-- Болван, речь идет о моей сестренке!
-- Так бы сразу и сказал! Столкни ее с мостика в воду!


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