
Advanced Registry Tracer
Версия: |
1.67 SR2 |
Автор: | ElcomSoft Co. Ltd. |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
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Цена: | $40 |
An utility designed for analyzing the changes made in Windows Registry -by making 'snapshots' of it and keeping them in the database, which you can then browse through at your convenience. You can compare any two snapshots and get the list of keys/data which are new, deleted or just changed You can use ART to explore the Registry for the number and types of subkeys in any key. ART can be used to search for data of certain types and with certain modification time. ART supports export / import to / from REG files, both in the old format and in the new one (Windows 2000, XP). Now you can use ART to compare REG files and to get the results in a convenient and understandable format. Moreover, you can create undo/redo files (for example, to rollback the changes). You can also modify registry directly from ART without creating *.reg files. Very useful for detecting trojan viruses and eliminating some problems caused by software and hardware install/uninstall and compatibility.
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