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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Alpha Journal

Автор:Alpha Realms
Скачать Цена:$19.95


Alpha Journal lets anyone keep a private journal, diary or log for personal or business use, but that's not all... Entries are stored in an encrypted file with optional password protection and can contain formatted text, pictures, sounds and even other documents. Entries can be added, deleted, edited, browsed by day, month, year or entry date, searched, printed, imported, exported and merged. Multiple "pages" per day allow you to record unrelated daily information in individual areas. The built-in spell checker and optional thesaurus assures you that your entries are always grammatically correct. SAVE TIME - Find the information you need quickly and easily. A powerful search system allows you to search any or all entries, for a word, phrase or a user-defined category marker. Use result logging to create a list of all entries containing the search text and easily jump to them. Use the search results alone, or in combination with other selections and/or searches to create complex result lists for searching, printing or exporting entries. KEEP UP TO DATE - Work where and when you want without having to worry. Keep multiple copies of your diary on different computers. Synchronize or combine multiple diaries using the Merge tool to keep your desktop diary up to date at all times. A PocketPC companions (Alpha Pocket Journal) is available to create and merge entry files created on PocketPC devices. GET ORGANIZED AND REDUCE STRESS - Store all your important personal information together in a single, secure location. Alpha Journal comes in a Standard and Pro version. The trial version allows you to evaluate all the features in the Pro version, but when you purchase you decide what version you want to activate. For a complete description of the differences please visit http://www.alpharealms.com/journal/comparison.htm A Pocket PC (Windows Mobile) companion is also available spearately from http://www.alpharealms.com/journal/



Многие чиновники стальному перу подобны.
К. Прутков


Один сумасшедший сказал: "Сегодня ночью я видел сон.
Половина его сбылась, а половина -- нет". Когда его спросили, о
чем был сон, он ответил: "Меня в этом сне обнимала девушка. Ког-
да я проснулся, то нашел рядом с собой старуху".


Меняю: задние крылья ВАЗ 2106 - на верхние АH-2

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