
Apex SQL Clean
Версия: |
2.8.90 |
Автор: | Apex SQL |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $149 |
Apex SQL Clean tool looks for and deletes unreferenced and unused Database objects like tables, views and procedures. If database object bloat is the problem, Apex SQL Apex SQL Clean tool is the solution. Your database may have many stored procedures, tables and views that aren't being used anymore but unless you determine which of your objects fall into this category you will be stuck with them forever. Apex SQL Clean will analyze a client whether it be VB, ASP, Delphi etc to determine what SQL objects are actually being used and what objects aren't. It will also analyze the database itself to see what internal references exist among SQL objects. Based on the Apex SQL Clean analysis it will generate a file of SQL drop statements to Clean your database of these useless objects. Features - Support for tables, views, procedures, rules, defaults, triggers, user defined datatypes, user defined functions and file dependencies - Interface shows Object dependencies and objects with dependencies to it. - Graphical display of number of unreferenced objects. - DDL script for object colorizes referenced object names to allow you to visual spot the dependencies. - Users have the ability to create file search pattern to analyze all files of a particular language or project (i.e .frm, .asp, .pas, .cls) - The file processing engine is recursive - simply point to a directory and it will search all subdirectories for files that match the search pattern you create. - Automatic drop statement creation. Interface shows whether file is referenced, has references and the number of each. Simply clicking on the object will display all references. - Double clicking on any object will script it. - Interface supports grouping/ungrouping by object type.
То сердце не научится любить, которое устало ненавидеть. Н.А. Некрасов
Андерсон пожаловался другу, что жена совсем замучила его натиранием полов. -- Я дам тебе хороший совет,-- сказал друг.-- Когда она сно- ва заставит тебя натирать полы, стукни кулаком по столу и крикни: "Все, конец!" Андерсон так и сделал. Но жена его только повела бровью и сухо переспросила: -- Чему это, интересно, конец? -- Э... это мастике конец... -- дрожащим голосом пролепе- тал Андерсон.
Один в поле не трактор.