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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Arcade Lines

  Версия: 1.67
Скачать Цена:$14.95


How about a nice game for unwinding while you have a break? Try Arcade Lines - A relaxing, yet highly addictive puzzle game featuring brilliant graphics, optional pulsating music and a great variety of different game modes. It is very easy to learn, but not so easy to master! You'll be hooked for hours. Arcade Lines is played on a board that fills up during game play with a variety of colored pieces. You have a very simple objective: prevent the board from filling by forming rows of 5 or more pieces of the same color. The completed rows will disappear, leaving the spaces for new pieces. Sounds too easy? Build more lines in consecutive moves to get the combo bonus for a higher score. Only one piece may be moved with every turn, and only then if there is a clear path to its destination. As space becomes scarce there are less useful moves to choose from, so the game becomes increasingly more difficult. 6 difficulty levels, the time-based and the custom game modes plus various additional game pieces like the two-colored balls, color buckets and propellers add more variety to the game. High scores are achieved by surviving as long as possible, a challenge that makes for hours of mind-bending puzzle fun. Download the free trial version now and see for yourself!



Писатель скорее призван знать, чем судить.
С. Моэм


При раскопках в Египте нашли саркофаг с мумией. Эксперт
не могли установить, чья это мумия. Пригласили советских специ-
алистов. Три советских эксперта засучили рукава и потребовали
освободить помещение. Вскоре они вышли, утирая пот со лба:
- Аменхотеп двадцать третий!
- как вам удалось это установить?
- сам, сука, сознался!


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