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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Astatix Launcher

  Версия: 1.61
Автор:Astatix Software
Скачать Цена:$24.95


Astatix Launcher is a program designed for a quick start of applications and documents in a single click. Also, Astatix Launcher allows the user to perform some special functions, and also to adjust performing of the special operations by pressing hotkeys. One of additional possibilities is the Winamp control. You can use any hotkeys and control of Winamp anytime even you are playing full-screen games like Quake or Counter Strike. Astatix Launcher differs from other related software by a unique and handy interface. This program contains many ways of adjusting the program to the user's taste. Launcher represents applications with rectangular bars with titles and icons of the applications or documents, which are placed on the borders of the screen. They can be located at the top, bottom, left or right edge of the screen, depending on adjustments. On the screen, the ends of bars are visible only. On moving a mouse to them, bars expand from the borders of the screen toward the center. A click on the bar performs the operation associated with this bar. For each bar it is possible to set a shortcut, pressing it will perform the operation appropriate to the given bar. Major features: Ease to use, Quick access, Original interface and way of interaction, Many different settings, Assigning any hotkeys to any actions, Total control of Winamp, Semi-transparency of bars (under Windows 2000/XP only), Tray using, Possibility of activation/deactivation launcher's work, Possibility of hiding/showing launcher's bars, And much-much more!..



Человек познает сам себя только в той мере, в какой он познает мир.
И. Гете


Поймали белого офицера и, чтобы узнать у него военные тайны
напоили. Офицер все равно не колется и Петька предлагает чапаю
применить пытку: не дать ему завтра опохмелиться.
- ну и изверг ты, Петька!


Три желания француженки : рюмка коньяка до и сигарета после.

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