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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Attache Transparent Clock

  Версия: 1.7
Скачать Цена:$19


Transparent desktop clock with fully customizable shape, alarms, and atomic time. It may have a digital or analog clock face of various colors, sizes and shapes - you may even set individual parameters for each application you run, so that the clock were clearly visible in any environment. Synchronizing time with atomic clock servers. Versatile alarms can be set to run once at specified time, or periodically. Reminders with custom text and pictures. This state-of-the-art piece of software may be used as a beautiful replacement for standard Windows digital clock or as an alarm-clock/reminder, to help you stop forgetting your friends' birthdays and other important but not so easy to memorize events. The clock comes together with a screensaver that decorates your screen and helps you keep up with the time. It shows exquisitely wrought analog clocks with elfs, ghosts and jinns. You can choose among three different variants of design, adjust mouse sensitivity and enable/disable display of seconds. Time zones, tooltip, zodiac signs and more.



Нет ничего опасней для новой истины, как старое заблуждение.
И. Гете


Рассказывает старый боцман:
-- Недалеко от самого центра Бермудского треугольника на
наш корабль обрушилась огромная волна высотой с десятиэтаж-
ный дом! Ни одна душа не спаслась!
-- Как, а вы?
-- Я в это время был уже на пенсии.


Принцип Ноя: Каждой твари - по харе!

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