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» Audio Converters
4Musics Multiformat Converter
Converting between most popular audio formats: WAV, MP3, WMA & OGG in any direction.
Features: converting in 1 click from Windows Explorer exactly, 16 converters in 1, fast converting speed, advanced output format settings, drag & drop, tag editor.
CD to WAV/MP3 Ripper
Extracting digital audio from CDs has never been as easy as with CD to WAV/MP3 Ripper. You can rip CDs to WAV so you can burn custom CDs or on-the-fly to MP3 with the option for 14 different bitrates. This program is freeware.
ContextConvert Pro
Convenient, powerful, and highly configurable application for converting among nearly all conceivable multimedia formats. Simply right-click on any audio, image, or video file, and you can immediately convert it to any other supported format.
Alt WAV MP3 WMA OGG Converter
It is an award winning tool for converting between most popular audio formats: WAV, MP3, WMA and OGG. Key Features: converting in 1 click from Windows Explorer exactly, 16 converters in 1, advanced output format settings, automatic source deleting.
Время подобно искусному управителю, непрестанно производящему новые таланты взамен исчезнувших. К. Прутков
- какая разница между стадом овец и академией наук - овец считают по головам, а академиков по членам.
В Росси две напасти:Внизу власть тьмы, А наверху тьма власти.