BB FlashBack
Версия: |
1.3 |
Автор: | Blueberry Consultants Ltd |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $199 |
BB FlashBack is a screen recording application for creating tutorials, demonstration or training material. Add text, sound and commentary, and use the extensive editing functions to create a high quality presentation. Movies can be exported to Flash, AVI or standalone exe for use on a CD-ROM, over a network or on the web. Easy to use,
typical users can be creating movies with BB FlashBack in minutes. A custom compression engine produces compact movie files, making them easier to deliver by E-mail or internet download. Flash movies can also include a control bar, allowing your viewers VCR-like functions when viewing your movie. BB FlashBack movies have a wide range of applications including: training staff to use pieces of software, showing others how to perform PC tasks and demonstrating your software products to potential customers. Examples of movies that can be created with the software can be found on our website at: http://www.bbsoftware.co.uk/BBFlashBack.aspx. BB FlashBack also has a sister product, BB TestAssistant, designed to work in software testing and development environments. For more information browse to http://www.bbsoftware.co.uk/bbtestassistant.asp
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