Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

BS/1 Professional

  Версия: 3.03
Автор:Davis Business Systems Ltd.
Скачать Цена:$139


BS/1 Professional is an integrated time billing and accounting system: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Inventory, Time Billing, and Sales Analysis. Client projects/jobs are tracked by priority and due date. Project leaders may be assigned to jobs and the tasks which make up the jobs may be assigned to general employees. Time is billed against the tasks which make up a job. The hourly rate charged is based on the task type or from an optional custom rate for the task. A stopwatch and time calculator are included. Invoices and checks may be handwritten or computer printed. Taxes are very flexible to facilitate VAT, GST, PST, HST, etc. Multi-currency features facilitate purchasing and billing internationally. Payables and receivables are tracked separately for each currency and the GL automatically converts revenues and expenses to domestic currency. Gain or loss due to exchange rate fluctuations is tracked. User-defined financial statements can be created through a simple set-up process. GL account totals and inventory totals can be viewed on screen with drill-down to original source transactions. An integrated dialer is linked to customers, invoices, etc. Sample data is provided and there is an optional Getting Started wizard to assist with entering initial live data. The wizard sets up common GL accounts which can later be changed, deleted, or added to. Delphi source code is available royalty-free for Paradox, DBISAM and Advantage databases. Program is free for Delphi and C++Builder programmers (if Delphi or C++Builder installed).



Цель научного мышления - видеть общее в частном и вечное в преходящем.
А. Уайтхед


-- Представь себе, дорогая, твой бывший поклонник, Пабло,
застрелил свою жену за измену!
-- Какой ужас! Вот видишь, как я верно поступила, что вы-
шла замуж за тебя, а не за того бандита!


Все люди братья...как Каин и Авель.

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