
BioChem 1stRespondER PocketPC
Версия: |
1.6 |
Автор: | Arkansoft |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $18.95 |
BioChem 1stRespondER (tm) is designed to help healthcare professionals deal with chemical and biological warfare attacks. New in v1.6: New Chemical agents: Agent 15, Arsene, Chlorine, Oleoresin Capsicum (OC Pepper Spray), Tear Gas (CS), other irritants, Vomiting Agents DM, DA, DC. New Biological agents: Burkholderia (Glanders, Melioidosis), Staphylococcal enterotoxin B. New [Action] button lets you find a chemical agent name based on what the agent does, in addition to its appearance and odor. New "Solids" category and new agents added under the "Appearance" section.
First aid and hospital ER care information on 37 germ and chemical agents (some are not available in the trial version)
First drug and dosage recommendations, both for paramedics at the attack site and for emergency department personnel at the hosptial
Recommendations on useful lab tests to run
Cautions to protect rescuers and caregivers as they do their jobs
Recommendations on disaster planning and how to react to a nuclear plant attack or "dirty bomb" explosion.
If you have PalmPrint (available from www.stevenscreek.com) and an IR-capable printer like the HP LaserJet 5p, you can print the BioChem data screens, making them easier to read.
Also available BioChem 1stRespondER Desktop version
See also WMD SWAG, which calculates most likely agent involved in a HAZMAT incident, based on data you observe and enter in the field. Saves and prints records/reports.--available in both desktop and handheld computer versions. Handheld BioChem integrates with handheld WMD SWAG: quickly hop back and forth between WMD SWAG and BioChem without need to pass through the handheld's main menu.
Нельзя верить, чтобы такой язык не был дан великому народу. И.С. Тургенев
На диком Западе ковбой заехал в бар выпить стаканчик виски. Оглядевшись, он заметил пианино, а над ним плакат: "Не стреляйте в пианиста, он играет, как умеет". Место возле инстру- мента пустовало, и ковбой спросил официанта: -- А где пианист? -- Пианист? -- с печальным вздохом ответил официант.-- Вчера проезжал тут один ковбой, который не умел читать...
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