Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 4.40
Автор:SoftByte Labs.
Скачать Цена:$39.95


BlackWidow is a multi-function internet tool. It is a site ripper, off-line browser, web site scanner, a site mapping tool and a site mirroring tool. Use it to scan a site, print and create a complete profile of the site's structure, files, external links and even link errors. Then use it to download part or entire web site to your computer, with its structure and files intact, to use as a site mirror or to be converted by BlackWidow into a locally linked site for offline browsing and long-term reference. Or use it to scan for and download any selection of files: from 'JPG' to 'CGI' to 'HTM' to MIME types, from small to large files, in part of a site or in a group of sites. These pre-scan filtering options can save you countless on-line hours of searching and sorting. BlackWidow will scan HTTP sites, SSL sites (HTTPS) and FTP sites. Accesses password-protected sites, use threads, download part or entire web site to your computer, you can now Edit and Print the structure of a web site. Write your own "Plug-ins" for impossible to scan sites. Will scan Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files for links and much more...



Недостающую глубину мысли обычно компенсируют ее длиной.
Ш. Монтескьё


-- Что ты скажешь о фигуре пани Ядзи?
-- О, она не только сберегла свою девичью фигуру, но даже
успешно удвоила ее.


Ворошилов: - Какие строки А.С. Пушкин посвятил Анне Петровне Керн? Знатоки: - "Люблю тебя, Петра творенье!"

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