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» Board Games
An intriguing puzzle game. Can you unscramble the generated mystic symbol? A contemplative game with nine difficulty levels. A new puzzle every time you play!
3D Morris
3D Morris takes a the popular board game Nine Men's Mill into a new dimension by offering an innovative arcade mode. Use the tutorial to learn the rules without reading the manual and play it against your friends or various computer opponents!
The full version of Moons can be acquired from Regnow (www.regnow.com).
Moons can be best described as "circular Reversi". Adding circles to
reversi enables players to use a unique move which cannot be done in
ordinary Reversi.
CoffeeCup Headline Factory
Create Java applet headlines easily without any Java or HTML programming knowledge. Use headlines to announce news and link to other pages. Save space while improving the look and feel of your site. Take full control over size, style, color and more.
Full-featured chess game which allows you to play anyone over the Internet or LAN, against several challenging computer opponents, correspondence games through Email , or in our "Online Rally Rooms" where you can chat, play, or watch.
Cards Right Now
A collection of over 200 all occasion greeting and note cards (birthday, holiday and more) with photographs and illustrations taken from nature. Cards are written and ready to print as needed.
Moraff's KidJongg
Moraff's KidJongg tile sets are created by kids for kids and adults alike. It's a great version to use to introduce your young ones to the popular mahjong tile game and yet it remains challenging to everyone in the family.
BVS Solitaire Collection
A collection of 380 multi-featured, very different solitaire card games to play. You will be able to learn solitaires not found elsewhere.
Jigsaw Mania
Announcing Jigsaw Mania, the new PC game for the whole family. It's like playing a real Jigsaw, but it's packed full of features to make it fun and easy to play, like being able to create your own Jigsaws from holiday photos.
501 Tangram Challenges
Are you ready to face 501 challenges of the classic Tangram puzzle? Solve hundreds of built-in challenges, construct your own Tangram shapes, and challenge your friends to recreate them! The object of the game is to form a shape from the pieces.
Лжец должен обладать хорошей памятью. Квинтилиан
Англичанин, француз и русский делятся своими взглядами н счастье в жизни. - я испытываю счастье, - говорит англичанин, - когда зи- мой, после хорошей охоты возвращаюсь домой и со стаканом хоро- шего бренди располагаюсь в кресле напротив горящего камина. - для меня счастье, - говорит француз, - когда я в хорошем ресторане вкушаю хорошую пищу и пью хорошее вино в компании прекрасной женщины, а потом - ночь страсти. - что вы понимаете в счастье! - говорит русский. Когда я после изнурительной работы прихожу в свою комнату в коммуналке, где вместе со мной живут жена, двое детей и теща, и когда среди ночи меня будит громкий стук в дверь, я открываю, и на пороге стоят двое, грозно спрашивая меня: "вы гражданин Парамонов?", а я им отвечаю: "нет, Парамонов живет этажом выше!" - вот это и есть настоящее счастье!
Щас бы с тигром побороться, или выебать кого......