
BrowserBob Professional
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Автор: | BrowserBob Weblications |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
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Цена: | $336 |
This program takes the pain out of creating standalone apps in your own design. Create multimedia web applications, custom browsers, eBooks, eJournals, autoplay CD/DVD’s, interactive screensavers, portals, virtual clients via Drag&Drop. Integrate all web-technology (HTML, Flash, Scripts, Audio, Video, docs,…). Get results within minutes. Make professional Windows software (exe, setups,scr, activeX webapps) with ease. Royalty free distribution of your creations! Get started quickly with tips, F1 context help, Drag&Drop objects library and examples.
Deliver Web applications very efficiently by wrapping any media a browser understands into a flexible standalone program in your design. Create interfaces for any content/functionality. It’s so easy to use that even beginners achieve amazing results. The open architecture for use with JavaScript or VBScript extensions and Flash makes it an efficiency booster for web designers & developers.
Feat’s: interface, buttons, windows can be of any shape – graphics based. Change looks and functions on the fly. Several web windows can be placed on one interface. Position buttons anywhere. Create stylish menus. Integrate any files in a multi-directory structure. Launch external applications via buttons. Trigger application behaviour out of html-pages with the script extension. Make your application react on URL's, page titles or browser status messages by scanning to trigger any behaviour. Add groupings of behaviors via action lists.
The ease of working with BrowserBob is what sets it apart: you simply drag and drop components, set parameters, add behaviors, and assign graphics, sounds,… Test any time during creation. With few clicks you publish your app as a single exe file for easy web/email deployment or as fully branded setup. The “build raw” option allows integration into existing programs (for launchers, multimedia CD’s, training applications). Or create interactive screensavers and activeX websites for launch via links.
Мудрость - это ум, настоянный на совести. Фазиль Искандер
Нищий звонит в дверь. Ему открывает хозяйка и отказыва- ется подать милостыню. Он настаивает, и она грозит, что позовет мужа. -- Бесполезно, миссис,-- спокойно говорит нищий,-- его нет дома. -- Откуда вы знаете? -- Мужья таких жен, как вы, приходят домой только обедать, а то и еще реже!
Все люди в мире делятся на три типа: те, которые считать умеют, и те, которые не умеют.