
Версия: |
2.5 |
Автор: | ApplyThis Software Inc. |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $20 |
BrowserMaster, the successor to BrowserSizer, is a web development tool, made by web developers, for web developers. (Kind of cliche, huh?) It is a low-fat, NOT in-your-face, tool to help you easily perform very common and tedious tasks required in the development of professional web sites. Time consuming tasks such as testing for low screen resolutions or low color count. Designed to be used throughout the development process, not just upon completion, BrowserMaster is the Professional Web Developer's helper.
Have you ever needed to check how your site renders at different screen resolutions, on different browsers? Have you ever found this annoying: always changing your development machine's screen resolution and then rebooting? Every single time? Do you need to test what a page looks
like dithered to the web pallet of 216 colors and find that you have to change your color count & reboot, or even worse, spend half your day combining all your images on a page just to dither in PhotoShop(tm)? Are you sick of maintaining two sets of bookmarks, one for Internet Explorer and another for Netscape Navigator, just to quickly get to any of the hundreds of web pages you might be maintaining at one time?
BrowserMaster does all this and more. It's designed for you, the Professional Developer. You, who would prefer to use Notepad(tm) and stop wasting money on $100 tools used for only one feature. Hey, you're a Professional Developer, because you develop smarter, not more costly. Why waste your or your customer's money?
Major Features:
- Controls the window size of Internet Explorer (3,4,5,6+), Netscape Navigator (2,3,4,6+), Mozilla, or any active window.
- Provides accurate sizing of browser as would be when viewed full-screen at selected resolutions.
- Supports user definable custom sizes.
- Provides options to account for size with MS Windows TaskBar and also MS Office Shortcut Bar.
- Provides browser safe color palette checking.
Неправда, что любовь слепа! Напротив! Влюблённый видит в предмете своей страсти то, чего другие не замечают. Ласло Фелеки
Человек идет по улице. Вдруг он слышит тоненький тревожны голосок: - быстро отскочи назад! Он отскакивает, и в то же мгновение прямо перед ним падает кирпич с крыши. Он озирается по сторонам: - кто это спас меня? - это я, твой ангел-хранитель, я у тебя в кармане. человек вынимает из кармана гномика величиной с наперсток и злобно давит его: - а где ты, падло, был, когда я женился?
Медик - это тот, чья задача не допустить чтобы люди умирали естественной смертью