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» Browser Add-ons
M-Japanese Mail Component
M-Japanese is an ActiveX component for sending Japanese email from ASP Web sites and Microsoft Windows applications. It works as an ActiveX object but also exposes DLL functions directly. It includes an EXE for CGI operation via XMLHTTP.
Lucky Dumpy
This is your lucky day! You find the game which is like nothing on earth! Lucky Dumpy distinguishes from other games with high-quality graphics, music and absolutely new theme!
iOpus File and Web Page Downloader
Automate, schedule and batch file and web page downloads with command line utility. Very easy to use and integrates well with batch files, windows scripts, visual basic or the windows task scheduler. Freeware!
Managing IE windows! Clear all tracks of your online activities! Translating web pages into various languages and web pages voicing! Quick Groups and loading multiple pages with a single click! URL aliases! Saving and loading lists of IE pages!
12Ghosts Wash
Maintain your privacy and recover space lost to garbage files. Removes your Internet history, cookies, and temporary cached files in Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. And you may extend the washing with any user defined file or folder.
Closes all occurrences of Internet Explorer with the push of a button on the IE toolbar or s shortcut on the quick launch bar. Closes all pop-ups pop-unders, and extraneous Explorer Windows except the one you are viewing.
Cookie Pal
Cookie Pal is a complete Internet cookie management system that helps protect your privacy. It remembers your preferences and blocks cookies from all web sites that you tell it to. You can also view and delete cookies that are already on your system.
Enhance Internet Explorer with quick links in tray, web search in Google and Yahoo, unwanted windows and popup killer, automatic proxy management system, quick IE properties manager, IE toolbar skins and other internal IE customization options
Clear IE History
Clear IE History is a little tool that helps user to protect privacy by cleaning up the surfing carry-over in Internet Explorer, includes delete IE history, delete temporary Internet files, delete cookies, delete cache, erase or edit typed URLs.
Google Toolbar History Mate
Google Toolbar History Mate is a tool to help user see the date and time of the every searching in Google Toolbar, delete each keyword in search history individually, track the "Search History" in Google Toolbar and keep a full history list.
Жизнь коротка, искусство вечно, случайные обстоятельства скоропреходящи, опыт обманчив, суждения трудны. Гиппократ
У телефонной будки собралась толпа. В будке молча стоит мужчина с прижатой к уху трубкой. -- Или разговаривайте, или выходите,-- требуют из толпы.-- Вы молчите уже десять минут! -- Прошу извинить, уважаемые,-- отвечает мужчина,-- но я разговариваю со своей женой!
Товарищ курсант! Если вы хотите что-то сказать, то лучше молчите.