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» Business Productivity
Budget Tool Business Excel
Streamlined budget creation for up to five years. Full flexibility allowing you to add Revenue, Variable Cost, and Fixed Cost categories and lines to suit any business. Preset formulas minimize inputs and provide display by month, quarter, or year.
Decision Assistant Model Excel
The Decision Assistant values a decision and determines the impact on your business. It allows you to measure and monitor decision outcomes. The model supports planning, budgeting, goal setting, investment analysis, and operational improvement.
Billing Model Excel
Forecast the impact of billing fee changes on Revenue, Profit and Client numbers. From basic billing and cost data billing change breakeven points are calculated for revenue and profit and you can build a forecast your business.
Forecast and Budget Builder Excel
The Forecast and Budget Builder is a streamlined tool to develop a 3 year business forecast with Sensitivity Analysis and a 12 month budget. It can be utilized for existing and proposed businesses or products/services. Easy to use and interpret.
Трусость - мать жестокости. М. Монтень
Началось свадебное застолье, на котором присутствовал и сельский поп. Вот вдоль столов двинулись парни с ведрами, на- полняя стаканы вином или ракией*. Спросили попа: -- Что будете пить, батюшка, вино или ракию? -- И пиво! -- ответил поп.
Клизма - знай своё место!