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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Calendar 2000

  Версия: 4.2
Автор:Gregory Braun
Скачать Цена:$0


Calendar 2000 is a small utility that will display a monthly calendar on the Windows desktop. The calendar is similar to the one found in most checkbooks. You can also define your own holidays and important dates, but Calendar 2000 is not a full-blown time scheduler. Instead use Calendar 2000 to quickly check the date or calculate the day on which a certain date occurs. Monthly calendars from January 1583 to December 3000 can be displayed and printed. Calendar 2000 is a very small program and can easily be configured to be run directly from the Taskbar icon tray.



Успех - это успеть.
М.И. Цветаева


Переименования к Ленинскому юбилею: фонтан "струя вождя"
птицеферма "яйца Ильича", тир имени Фанни Каплан.


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