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» Calendars
Lyttlesoft Personal Organizer
Never lose track of those important dates again. Remind yourself of special events, birthdays or even that important meeting. Then plot your day in the password protected journal to archive your precious memories.
Active Desktop Calendar
This fully customizable calendar for Windows displays its data on the desktop wallpaper using icons and text. It features interactive desktop interface, notes, tasks, alarms, data export/import/print and provides data sharing on a local area network.
Ovulation Calendar
A handy program that calculates the time of ovulation and creates your personal fertility calendar, allowing you to choose the gender of your future baby.
AgendaMax Plus
Calendar software that tracks your appointments, tasks, holidays, notes and daily journals. Displays your life by the day, week, month or year. Isn't it time your life was organized?
A powerful yet simple to use personal information manager.
FF Event Calendar
Never forget another birthday, appointment, anniversary, meeting or special day again! Schedule database supports over a billion event records! Unlimited reminders! Schedule and remember ANYTHING! Complete online help to get you started!
AMI Pagan Daybook II
AMI Pagan Daybook II, a calendar to keep track of festivals and observances, features expanded listings, colour graphics, integrated screen saver, music, various bits of magick... Never miss another solstice, or more importantly, another saturnalia.
CalendarPro is an easy-to-use calendar designed for Microsoft Windows that allows you to quickly look up dates and set reminders for yourself. CalendarPro is a fast utility with little overhead, and stays quietly out of your way until you need it.
Magic Calendar Maker
Magic Calendar Maker is a very easy-to-use utility for creating and printing calendars for one month. The user only has to select the month and year for which he or she wants the calendar. The starting day of a week can also be chosen.
Calendar software that tracks your appointments, tasks, holidays, notes and daily journals. Displays your life by the day, week, month or year. Isn't it time your life was organized?
A powerful yet simple to use personal information manager.
Atrium is a web-based file sharing tool that allows architectural firms to publish CAD drawings and other documents for team collaboration. Reduces costs and improves efficiencies between architects, engineers, construction, and management personnel.
Так бывает довольно часто: главную трудность представляет не главная роль. Б. Шоу
Художник-авангардист жалуется коллеге: -- Дама, портрет которой я нарисовал, хочет, чтобы на пор- трете я изменил цвет -ее глаз. -- А разве это трудно? -- Нет, но я не могу вспомнить, на каком месте я нарисовал глаза!
саженец - отбывающий наказание