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In The Round
In The Round is a Card game that takes the concept of solitaire one step further and requires some strategy to win. You can play Single or Double Deck as well as Normal and Las Vegas Style Scoring.
Lotto Creo Professional
Software works by using a full and abbreviated wheeling system with filters, graph... A wheeling system is the most important function that serious players use to increase their chances of winning. The program works with all Pick 4,5,6,7 lotteries.
2M Free Solitaires
A free collection of 25 solitaire card games. More than 50 variations. Photo-realistic card graphics in 3 sizes. High quality sounds. Multi-levels unlimited undos, a performant auto-play, detailed scores and statistics...
Lucky Streak Poker
Video poker with a fun twist: Lucky Streaks that improve your odds! Get 3 or more Lucky Cards and you'll be on a Lucky Streak drawing great poker hands! Keep your eye on the Luckometer to see how lucky you are! Runs great on virtually any computer!
MTG Studio
New MTG Software. MTG Studio - Deck Editor.
MTG Studio is Magic the Gathering® deck editor. The product has various deck creation and edition capabilities (advanced multiple-critetia searches, filters and user-defined grouping).
Infinite Spades
Play a non-traditional card game of spades. Brush up on your game playing against computer opponents. Designed for beginning and advanced players.
Online Holdem Inspector
Calculate Texas Holdem poker odds instantly while you play online. If you run Holdem Inspector while playing online, it will capture all the upcards from the game table and display detailed stats for all betting rounds instantly.
Hardwood Hearts
You haven't played Hearts until you played Hardwood Hearts! It's an addicting game with gorgeous imagery and an alluring mystique. Grab your friends and play online, meet new people or just play by yourself. Free to tryout!
Hardwood Solitaire III
This solitaire game is like not like anything you have played before. Unlike ordinary solitaire games that plunk bare-bones cards onto your screen, Hardwood Solitaire III immerses you in a magical 3D environment and great sound. Over 80 games.
Deep Six
Deep Six is a unique and challenging adaptation of an obscure children's card game. The object of Deep Six is to score as few points as possible by matching cards of the same rank into columns and by playing low value cards on a 3 X 2 grid.
Мало хвалить ,- подумалось ей, - и нас да похвалят! Без наказанья презреть не позволим божественность нашу! Овидий
Мужик женился во второй раз. Жена попалась -- грех жа- ловаться. Но что ни сварит, ни спечет -- не угодит. А тут еще такое приключилось. Поставила она жарить мясо, а в это время свинья в огород выскочила. Пока загнала -- мясо пригорело. Подает она мужу это мясо и боится, что будет ругать. А он ест и приговаривает: -- Вот вкусное, будто моя покойница готовила, царство ей небесное. Попробовала тогда жена нарочно плохой хлеб испечь, сяк- так пиццу приготовила,-- все равно хвалит муж. А секрет в том, что муж привык, бедняга, к плохой хозяй- ке, а отвыкнуть трудно.
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