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» Cgi
Html Code Convert
HTML Code Convert helps speed up the conversion of HTML code into different format including Java Script, JavaServer Pages, Microsoft ASP, PHP, Perl, Python, and the UNIX Shell. It is particularly useful in CGI scripting.
Form Mail: eMail Form Processor Pro
Process any forms on your web sites. Multiple pages forms. Full layout control. One program can work with any amount of forms. Script can send any number of different emails, output (append) to any number of files, check entered data and much more!
Clicks Counter: Download Counter
Clicks Counter is a program that will keep track of all hits and clicks on any links of your Web pages. It can be used on any amount of pages simultaneously, includes an online viewer, to view the log fie online. FREE installation included.
Книга жизнеспособна лишь в том случае, если дух ее устремлен в будущее. О. Бальзак
- что за столкновение было у Брежнева с Шелепиным - конфликт плохого с еще худшим.
Здесь вам не тут - здесь вам быстро отвыкнут водку пьянствовать и безобразия нарушать.