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Delphi components  

Classic Slots

  Версия: 1.0
Скачать Цена:$9.95


The events of the game you downloaded take place in the place where one cowboy is resting now. He has told an interesting story of his life to the guests of it. As fate had willed he find himself in a desert with no water in his flask, his horse perished and he didn't know the way home. After three days of torments the cowboy got ready to die. He sat on the sand and closed his eyes. Suddenly an Indian appeared before him. Saying not a syllable he gave the man some water, made a fire and fried large pieces of meat. The cowpuncher and the Indian had dinner in silence so the man decided not to be an impolite person and to start a conversation. He said the first thing that came to his head: "I don't like the chieftain of your tribe, sir!" "If you do not like, do not eat!" was the answer. Of course, after this occurrence the cowboy needs the rest. The best way to do it is the game! In Classic Slots you will like dancing girls, comfortable atmosphere, music and marvelous graphics.



Истинное воспитание состоит не столько в правилах, сколько в упражнениях.
Ж.-Ж. Руссо


Женатый Кац уговаривает неженатого Кона жениться:
-- Что за жизнь у холостяка? Вернулся домой -- словом пе-
ремолвиться не с кем. А женитесь -- совсем другой коленкор. До-
ма вас встречает жена, квартира убрана, обед приготовлен, вы ей
что-нибудь скажете, она вам что-нибудь скажет, потом снова вы,
потом снова она, и начнет говорить, говорить, говорить до утра,
холера ее возьми!


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