Версия: |
1.30 |
Автор: | SoftTouch Information Technology Pty. Ltd. |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
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Цена: | $49.95 |
ClearBoard is a handy tool that can convert a photo of a white board, a flipchart, a piece of paper, or any drawing on a relatively uniform background into a crystal clear image as if you were actually drawing on a computer. ClearBoard is designed from ground up with the latest image processing technologies. ClearBoard, is an innovative tool that would be of interest to anyone who uses a whiteboard, blackboard, or simply wants to capture a drawing off of a flat surface and convert that drawing into clear image. Students, teachers, and and those in business would all benefit from this handy utility!" -- Michael E. Callahan aka Dr. File Finder (tm). With the help of ClearBoard, every white board can be used as a digital-board (electronic whiteboard), in the sense that this software produces the same, or even better, digital images as an expensive electronic whiteboard. Yet this tool is only a fraction of the cost of a digital board. Another advantage of ClearBoard is its high portability. Obviously we can not have digital boards everywhere, but you can always carry a digital camera and takes photos anywhere you go; in the office, conference-rooms, meeting-rooms, classrooms, etc., then with the magic touch of ClearBoard, the photos turned into crisp images. What a convenience!
Труд избавляет человека от трех главных зол - скуки, порока и нужды. Ф. Вольтер
Американец, англичанин и русский хвалятся прочностью свое резины. - у нас один упал с 100-го этажа, - говорит американец. - к счастью, он приземлился на ноги, подошвы спружинили, и он снова взлетел на 100-й этаж. - у нас один отплыл на корабле, - говорит англичанин. - ког- да корабль отошел от порта на 100 миль, его потянуло назад и при- тащило обратно в порт. Оказалось, что наш путешественник зацепил- ся подтяжкой за причал. - а у нас один в лифт свалился. Сам - вдребезги, а галоши целы.
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