Версия: |
3.11 |
Автор: | MJT Net Ltd |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $29.99 |
ClipMagic offers everything you would expect from a powerful clipboard extender. But it also goes much further than that to provide a powerful yet easy to use research and information management tool. ClipMagic can work with all web browsers to record the URLs with text and images that you take from the web. It also has its own internal web browser, to make net research even faster. For clips taken from the web, you can then launch their originating URLs in your main browser or in the ClipMagic browser, to get back to the original page. Clips can also be edited using the integrated editor. Rules allow you to have clips categorized (or ignored) automatically the moment they are grabbed. You can create new entries, store comments against your clips, copy back to the clipboard, assign hot keys to them, paste them quickly into the current app with MagicPaste, send by email, print merge, search, sort, export and save them ... within minutes, you will not know how you ever managed without it!
Самый быстрый способ закончить войну - это потерпеть поражение. Д. Оруэлл
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