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Delphi components  

Color Spreading

  Версия: 1.10
Автор:Alhademic Group
Скачать Цена:$10


Addictive, original, simple - it's about logic game "Color Spreading". The game starts from empty board with a single ball over it. Click on a ball, and a neighbour empty cell (only neighbour one, but others!). And it'll move there. On a freed cell a new ball appears. Enough simple? Then a game goal: each of 81 cells is marked by colored triangle, and anything is required is placing colored balls to get them placed accordingly colored triangles. The single way you can do it is described above. Color Spreading has three difficulty levels (which are depend of number of used colors); choose your desired and dive into the game. Free minutes or even a hours will fly by swiftly... Two themes are included in the game ("Hardwood" and "Flowers"), also a two object looks: usual marbles and flowers. But there is no limited choice: in addition you can take about dozen objects from our website, and a few themes from our website absolutely free! An assortment rises permanently. That doesn't all. Besides an addictive idea, we supplied the game with a fine, relaxing music, to get you feeling a game athmosphere as a whole. Color Spreading fits ideally to fill spare time at work, and to spend your time at home, with your family! Multilingual interface supported.



Любой фат подобен трясогузке.
К. Прутков


Две девушки на дороге к лиману встретили большую ля-
гушку, прыгнувшую к ногам одной из них и вдруг заговорившую:
-- Если ты меня поцелуешь, я превращусь в "Мисс Одессу"...
Девушка, схватив лягушку, тотчас же сунула ее в сумку.
-- Почему ты ее не поцеловала? -- удивленно спросила под-
руга.-- Это же так интересно.
-- Таких мисс сейчас очень много. А вот говорящая лягуш-
ка -- это такая редкость!


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