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Commodore casino run their own proprietary casino software unlike any other on the internet, including some games you won't find anywhere else. Designed with the pleasure of the player in mind, their elegant and user-friendly software offers a full suite of traditional interactive casino games including slots (12 games), video poker (15 games), blackjack, roulette and keno. The buttons are large for ease of play, the game elements such as cards and tumbler logos are clear and visible; access to player accounts is quick and the software is available in 15 languages to support most international players. The casino offers the following features: - Fast and easy (12-72 hours) payouts all around the world - Casino software available in 15 languages - Customer service available 24/7 in 15 languages - Trained/bonded staff to answer all inquiries - Choice of multiple payment options - Complete package of traditional casino games - Audited games to ensure fairness - Complete security and privacy of identity and casino transactions - Complete customer satisfaction - Arbitrator to handle all disputes



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Б. Грасиан


-- Вчера у Андерсонов были гости, а сегодня у Янссонов. Но
нас не пригласили.
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ем и ни одного человека на него не пригласим.


Баба с возу - кoбыла в куpсе дела.

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