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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


Автор:R.K. West Consulting
Скачать Цена:$10


What does it do? It's a handy tool to help you make conversions from one unit of measurement to another. Did you measure your living room in square feet, only to find that carpet is sold by the square yard? Trying to figure out how a liter of your favorite soft drink compares to the old quart bottles? If you need to know how many cups in 3 quarts, how many pounds in 2 kilograms, or how many acres to a square mile, Convert-O-Gadget provides the answer quickly and easily. Trying to decipher a long Roman numeral? Convert-O-Gadget gives you the number in a flash. It includes conversion for fluids, weights, distances, areas, circles, temperatures, numerals and fractions. In case you can think of something that it doesn't include, there's a Custom section that lets you "roll your own".



Еще фараон знал секрет повиновения: чтобы держать народ в страхе, карай не виноватых, карай невинных.


-- Я прочитала, что на каких-то южных островах,-- говорит
за ужином жена,-- можно купить себе жену за пять долларов.
-- И там спекуляция,-- вздохнул муж.


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