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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Cynapse MailCryptor

  Версия: 1.72
Автор:Cynapse India Pvt. Ltd.
Скачать Цена:$17.95


MailCryptor is a tool to create encrypted, self decrypting html documents out of plain or formatted text. These encrypted HTML documents could be sent as private messages via e-mail or could be uploaded to websites for restricted access to the information. Documents encrypted using MailCryptor do not require any special software except for Microsoft Internet Explorer (4.0 or above) to be decrypted. This is achieved by embedding the encryption cipher into the HTML. Even though the cipher is embedded into the HTML document, the security is not vulnerable in any way, as MailCryptor uses a 128 bit symmetric key encryption algorithm. This kind of algorithm does not store the password inside the document. The decryption process is done by the browser itself. Most existing message encryption solutions require both the sender and recipient to have installed copies of the software that is being used. But with MailCryptor, the recipient of the encrypted message does not need any software other than Microsoft Internet Explorer (4.0 or above) or any e-mail client such as Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express or Eudora, etc. installed on his/her computer to decrypt it. The decryption process does not require a connection to the Internet; this being the most unique feature of MailCryptor. Features: 128-bit symmetric encryption cipher Browser based decryption process (no software requirement for decryption) Auto generation of formatted HTML Import capabilities from text and rich text (rtf) files Supports Rich Text formatting in the message Preview Encrypted Message Copy Encrypted Message to Clipboard



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