DBF Viewer PRO
Версия: |
4.0.1 |
Автор: | Legend Software, Inc. |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $69.95 |
DBF Viewer Pro is a viewer and toolbox for DBF database files. Designed primarily as a tool for Delphi developers who use Vista Software's Apollo database engine, this toolkit will also appeal to any programmer who wants on-the-fly access to DBFs. DBF Viewer Pro not only lets you view, print, and modify the structure and contents of DBFs, but it lets you create them from scratch, apply query filters, and encrypt/decrypt tables. Given any table, it can generate the Delphi/Apollo code needed to create the table and indexes.
This new version includes: Expresssion Builder used throughout the app; SQL support; Powerful Data export and conversion capabilities including; DBF, Excel, HTML and various text file options; Enhanced Update Multiple Records; Formula Tab, and more.
Усердный в службе не должен бояться своего незнания, ибо каждое новое дело он прочтет. К. Прутков
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3.11 в кв.1 дома 48 по ул. Суворова был обнаружен труп гр. Булатова. Проживал по вышеуказанному адресу, висящим в петле.