
Версия: |
4.0 |
Автор: | PenDean Inc. |
Лицензия: | Demo |
Скачать |
Цена: | $85 |
A complete and full menu replacement for AutoCAD
LT2000, LT2000i, LT2002 and LT2004. The package
includes the Main Menu file which contains expanded
Pull Down Menu routines; all symbols required by the
new routines; a whole collection of new toolbars and
fonts we have collected and written over the years; an
HTML based Help file that is hyperlinked to give you
instant and direct access; redefined quick commands
list giving you access to almost every command and
system variable; and dimensioning setups and routines.
New routines and toolbars added include: Expanded
Purge commands; Single pick Layer Freeze, Lock, Unlock
and Delete; Hide entities; Preset Drawing Limits; Copy
Rotate and Move Rotate routines; Copy to Layer and
Move to Layer routines; Drawing Shapes (Rectangles,
squares, triangles), easier Block creation and
redefinition routines; Offset, Break and Fillet
expanded options; Dimensioning and Plotting setups,
editing and routines; Hatching routines, Text Creation
and Editing routines, Explode to Current Layer and
more routines; Notations and Leader routines; Date
Stamp routines and easy variables settings among other
much needed routine.
Умная женщина подобна Семирамиде. К. Прутков
-- Что касается меня,-- говорит дама,-- то я никогда не скрываю своего возраста. По-моему, тридцать лет -- это прекрас- ный возраст! -- Разумеется,-- соглашается ее собеседник.-- Особенно по- сле пятидесяти...
Заpплата - что менстpуация: целый месяц ждешь, а в тpи дня кончается.