
Версия: |
4.0 |
Автор: | PenDean Inc. |
Лицензия: | Demo |
Скачать |
Цена: | $65 |
A single Pulldown Menu symbols library Add-on for
AutoCAD LT2000, LT2000i, LT2002 and LT2004,
geared towards the 2D ARCHITECTURAL and Interiors
disciplines. It is designed to add a whole collection
of routines, and enhancements, to the Basic AutoCAD LT
menu. The package includes the PullDown Menu file
which contains our entire symbols library package
geared towards Architecture and Interiors with over
680 blocks (organized in Pop up menus, and accessible
through Content Explorer); a whole collection of new
toolbars, over 330 new Hatch Patterns (Architectural
mostly, organized by type and name, available through
the BHATCH command and Content Explorer in LT98/Design
Center in LT2000) and over 90 fonts; an HTML based
Help file that is hyperlinked to give you instant and
direct access; and redefined quick commands list
giving you access to almost every command and system
variables. All blocks are created on Layer 0, with
Color and Linetype set to ByBlock: this allows you to
determine what Color and Linetype you want when
inserting (the only way to create blocks).
У кого есть друзья, у того нет друга. Аристотель
В Лондоне: -- Что вы так печальны, сосед? -- Нашу семью постигла авиакатастрофа. -- Что вы говорите?! Когда? Как? -- Вчера вечером приземлился самолет, которым прилетели к нам родственники моей жены в двухнедельный отпуск.
В вашем возрасте я себе сапогами ноги до задницы стер!