
Deer Hunting Expert
Версия: |
5.0a |
Автор: | Strat-Tech, Inc. |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
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Цена: | $25.95 |
The program asks you questions about the conditions you hunt under and then gives a recommendation based on what experts advise for the conditions. You can alter one condition to see how answer is affected. Program also has logs for entering your own info to harvest, scouting records, etc., packing lists. Library of topics including recipes. Previous versions were recommended in Outdoor Life magazine and elsewhere. Both the Fish Expert and Deer Expert use expert system technology. This is a computer technique and language for relaying solutions simply in a complex environment. The expert systems you see here may make the process look simple, but are actually sophisticated state of the art computer algorithms for filtering information to arrive at a solution. Your solutions are arrived at by you providing more information about your situation. In addition the expert system format is an excellent tool for filtering an immense mass of information. Filtering is an essential concept and tool in today's information age. The internet, computer data bases, and libraries are full of ideas, but how much time do you have to examine every possible situation. The knowledge base you get when you purchase our products synthesizes numerous possible situations and possibilities to arrive at a solution which experts would recommend. Our programs are not games or simulations which might cover a few possible scenarios, but are fantastic at giving you real, useful knowledge quickly which you might not otherwise acquire in a lifetime. Our hunting program covers over 100 scenarios and our fishing program covers over 350 scenarios! The computer language our programs are written in are the latest high level computer language designed for artificial intelligence and expert systems as well as regular programming. Other languages might require 100 times the storage space as our programs, if they were able to do the same things we do. Copyright (c) 1990-2000 Strat-Tech, Inc.
Унижать других - гораздо худший вид гордости, чем превозносить себя не по заслугам. Петрарка
Американцы много лет готовили резидента для работы в СССР Его легенда была разработана блестяще. Наконец, его забросили с самолета на советскую территорию, и он вышел из лесу, одетый в ватник и кепку. Зайдя во двор избы, он попросил у бабки напиться. - а ты, милок, не шпиен ли будешь? - с чего ты взяла, бабка? - да мы в наших краях негров отродясь не видали!
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