
Defect Tracker
Версия: |
4 |
Автор: | Pragmatic Software Co., Inc. |
Лицензия: | Commercial |
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Цена: | $20 |
Successful bug tracking has a direct correlation upon the success of software development projects. Your company’s reputation relies on delivering usable software that is delivered on-time, on-budget and with high quality. Defect Tracker is bug tracking software that facilitates document sharing, customer requirements tracking, test case management and bug tracking and management.
With Defect Tracker, you can globalize your quality assurance efforts by providing your team with 100% web-based bug tracking tools that can be accessed anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day. All bug tracking data is stored in a centralized database, creating a searchable, sortable, historical archive from which development teams can identify urgent and related bugs. Defect Tracker also allows teams to create folders and share documents of any kind with team members. The document management feature allows teams to collaborate more effectively, uploading requirement documents, test plans, status reports and other documents.
Defect Tracker’s bug tracking software also manages your help desk by allowing your customers to submit support tickets directly from your web site. The look and feel of the support manager is fully controlled by your web master.
Defect Tracker sports a sophisticated reporting engine that provides a myriad of standard reports and allows your clients to create ad-hoc reports. For collaboration, Defect Tracker’s bug tracking software allows each user to decide what type of email alerts are received. Owners of bugs, customer requirements and test cases can be alerted as those items change. Team members can be alerted as items are assigned to them and management personnel can be alerted upon any change, if desired. Each team member has full control over the alerts they wish to receive from our bug tracking tool.
Improve your bug tracking with Defect Tracker. Try Defect Tracker for free for 2 weeks.
Искусство быть мудрым состоит в умении знать, на что не следует обращать внимания. У. Джеймс
Проснувшись утром, Мэри сказала мужу: -- Знаешь, любимый, приснилось, что ты подарил мне жемчуж- ное ожерелье на годовщину нашей свадьбы. Что бы это могло значить? -- Скоро узнаешь,-- с таинственным видом пообещал муж. Вечером он пришел домой с небольшой коробкой и га- лантно поднес ее жене. С замиранием сердца жена раскрыла ко- робку и увидела там книгу, на обложке которой прочитала: "Уни- версальный сонник".
По этому вопросу существует два мнения. Одно неправильное, а другое мое.