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Artful GIF Animator
Easily create compact banners, web buttons and other animated GIF images for web sites on the fly with this powerful web animation software.
Magic Matching Color
Magic Matching Color is a tool for web developers and designers who need help in determining which color scheme to use on their projects. Magic Matching Color helps them by giving six matching colors to any given color.
Gliftic is a very easy to use graphical design program.
Ideal for creating unique and fresh WEB decorations and
backgrounds, the function keys let you experiment quickly
and widely with images and colors.
Calendar Wizard
Tool is used for creation of calendars. Lets you to: create multi-lingual calendars; make the months alignment variable; choose type of a month's representation; pick any dates; use any color; preview. Plug-ins: CorelDRAW, Excel,JPEG,BMP,PDF,HTML,TXT
MAZAIKA is a mosaic creation application. It produced images composed from many small images (aka photomosaic), like a "Truman show" movie poster - a composite of hundreds of little pics to mimic another larger image.
2D/3D Area Graph Software
2D / 3D Area Graph provides both a client and server side solution for the incorporation of line graphs into web pages. Versatile components enable web authors and Java developers to easily build and publish dynamic and interactive area graphs.
2D/3D Horizontal Bar Graph Software
2D / 3D Horizontal Bar Graph provides both a client and server side solution for the incorporation of bar graphs into web pages. Versatile components enable web authors and Java developers to easily build and publish dynamic and interactive bar graph
2D/3D Stacked Bar Graph Software
2D / 3D Vertical Bar Graph provides both a client and server side solution for the incorporation of bar graphs into web pages. Versatile components enable web authors and Java developers to easily build and publish dynamic bar graphs
A Scrolling Text Applet - Now Free.
Provide an animated look and feel to your web pages. Scrolling Text is a Java applet that will automatically size itself to the available area given to it by the HTML form via the WIDTH and HEIGHT properties of the APPLET tag. Now FREE.
Advanced Data Grid Control
The java Data Grid Control applet enables the display of data in rows & columns in java & web applications. Powerful features include Fast Sorting, Data Acquisition, URL Hyperlinks, Embedded Images, Column Totalling and much more.
Счастье есть лишь мечта, а горе реально. Вольтер
-- У мужчин годы мчатся значительно быстрее, чем у жен- щин! -- сказал один приятель другому, сидя за кружкой пива. -- Знаешь, я тоже это заметил: когда мы поженились с Мар- го, мы были одногодками, теперь я уже подбираюсь к пятидесяти, а ей вчера стукнуло лишь сорок...
Настоящий дон Жуан, идя на день рождения к женщине, никогда не берет с собой подарок, его подарок всегда с ним.