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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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StripShow Screensaver

The photo collection of sexy women as slideshow. It's professional striptease models: Brigitte, Angel Cassidy, Blanche, Dana V, Denise, Erica Rose Campbell, Kyla Cole, Linda Tran, Natacha, Priscila. The slides will roll with miscellaneous effects.

Snakes Screensaver

If you have a warm spot for cold-blooded creatures, then you might appreciate the Snakes Screensaver. It puts on a slide show of 32 high-quality photos of various types of snakes, many of them close-up shots. A nice music background.

Sticky Paper

This program simulates 100% Post-It for monitor. So you no longer need any real Post-It yellow paper on your monitor.

SS Alpine Lake - Animated Desktop ScreenSaver

High mountains with the peaks in clouds, with snow-covered tops always cause inexplicable feeling of delight and pleasure. But they help to catch philosophical mood, give calm and strong sensation of freedom.

WinTopMost Site License

Disables close window button of selected applications to control that a proper logout comand is issued when leaving Telnet or avoid Excel close button. Topmost features, set windows always on top of all other. Interactive interface or command-line

WW2 Warbirds

31 professional aviation photos. Use this versatile screen-saver engine which rotates 31 photos of the aircraft of world war 2 and an optional soundtrack of MIDI-based tunes. Features include your choice of up to 23 transition effects


A screensaver with 24 various bugs (demo only has 3 photos). Latest release, purchase information, and more detailed information is located at http://www.wildsavers.com


A screensaver with 24 pink flowers (demo only has 3 photos). Latest release, purchase information, and more detailed information is located at http://www.wildsavers.com


A screensaver with 20 various petunias (demo only has 3 photos). Latest release, purchase information, and more detailed information is located at http://www.wildsavers.com

Streaming Flag Screen saver

It contains many national flags and ability to set up flag with your logo, photo, emblem of a football team and any picture you want. Also you can insert your hymn.

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Книга жизнеспособна лишь в том случае, если дух ее устремлен в будущее.
О. Бальзак


Муж возвращается с работы. Жена радостно встречает
-- О Карл! Представь себе, у нашего малыша появился пер-
вый зубик!
-- Отлично!
-- И он сделал первый шаг!
-- Превосходно!
-- Но сделав первый шаг, он потерял свой первый зуб.
- О!
-- Но, потеряв свой первый зуб, наш малыш сказал свое
первое слово!
-- Прекрасно!
-- Но если бы ты знал, какое...


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