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» Utilities
» Disk Tools
Discreetmail can be run from a floppy or CD to use on any computer or installed on your own computer. It starts up very quickly and allows the user to send emails using any email address you like as the sender. Emails can also be encrypted.
Harddisk Search and Stats
Freeware file and disk search engine. Searches folders recursively (optional), can use multiple search-phrases, filter search using file extensions, use internal or external file viewer, import file types, filter and sort on file date/size, etc.
Paper Shredder
Paper Shredder is a clean system that helps protect your privacy. It will delete Internet Cache, History, Cookies, Location bar address; Clear recent Documents, clips (Windows Media Player & RealPlayer), Projects (Delphi, VB, VC); SmartEject CD-ROM.
PC explorer analyzing Mac files on Windows servers for a quick access. Display and can modify Type/Creator codes (Signatures). Windows users will identify the kind of files without their 3 characters extensions. List sizes of data and resource fork
Autorun Maestro
Autorun Maestro is highly configurable CD menu software that will have you making attractive autorun/autoplay menus in record time. With a fully graphical interface, the menus appearance can be completely user configured.
FreeSpace Pro
This utilty shows space usage on all drives in real-time, local and network drives. Can play sound or execute program on low disk space and has tray icon with free space indicator.
Самоубийца именно потому и перестает жить, что не может перестать хотеть. А. Шопенгауэр
Экскурсовод в зоопарке: -- Товарищи, перед вами орел-стервятник. Питается исклю- чительно стервами. Гражданка! Отойдите от клетки!
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