
Dynamic AutoComplete Tool
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Автор: | LaMarvin |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
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Цена: | $49.95 |
Add AutoComplete to any WinForms application and turn your TextBoxes and ComboBoxes into intelligent user agents. Data-entry forms, find boxes, logon screens, file/URL pickers...those types of UI elements will benefit greatly from being AutoComplete-enabled. Dynamic AutoComplete Tool will do it for you--without coding! Your users will love the enhancements Add AutoComplete to your WinForms application and improve your users' productivity by more than 100% (source: http://www.humanfactors.com). With Dynamic AutoComplete Tool, it's just a matter of a few mouse clicks. And the autocomplete feature is 100% compatible with that your users already know from Office, Internet Explorer and the Windows Shell.
You don't have to wait for Whidbey in order to add autocomplete to your WinForms application. You can have it now! And, of course, it will work in Whidbey, too.
Кто хочет жить в мире, тот должен готовиться к войне. Н. Макиавелли
-- Послушайте, но это молоко -- чистая вода! -- возмуща- ется покупатель. -- Да, вчера наконец был дождь, и коровы, очевидно, намокли.
И Родина щедро поила меня