EAN Bar Codes
Версия: |
2.2 |
Автор: | Elfring Fonts, Inc |
Лицензия: | Demo |
Скачать |
Цена: | $129.5 |
The European Article Numbering system, EAN, was introduced in 1978. There are two different versions of EAN bar codes, EAN 8 and EAN 13, which encode 8 and 13 digit numbers, respectively. A special EAN 13 bar code with a 5 digit supplemental code is used on books to encode the book ISBN number and price. This bar code is called Bookland.
Our scalable TrueType bar code fonts comes in five different aspect ratios, so you can vary the height and width of the bars independent of each other. This lets you print bar codes with the same height, but different horizontal print densities. The online manual comes in Rich Text format- compatible with any word processor. Just print a copy of the manual to see how to use these soft fonts to print bar codes.
EAN bar codes encode fixed length numeric data. A checksum is required, and checksum calculation is very complex. Our bar code set includes VBA functions for Excel and Access, Word label templates, plu sour BAREAN.EXE utility, which calculates checksums and automatically formats these bar codes for you.
Я часто раскаивался в том, что говорил, но редко сожалел о том, что молчал. Фома Аквинский
Не учли разницу между московским и римским временем, и покушении на папу московское радио сообщило на два часа раньше, чем оно было совершено.
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